Bullet Journaling for Relationships

productivity journaling

Bullet Journaling for Relationships is the second installment in our bullet journaling series. In this session, Cori and I focus on our shared journal. This is a journal in which we track and document together-stuff such as things to get done around the house, a health log for our cat, Noodles, and a list of "hikes" we've taken together. ("Hikes" is quoted because we like to call our pleasantly moderate nature walks, "hikes", but if we're being really honest, these are glorified walks in nature, which are fun, but not very uphill-y.)

In this session we go over some bullet journaling basics; we talk about monthly and weekly spreads, collections and habit tracking; and the conversation is framed around communication and togetherness in relationships.

Check it out on YouTube.

Table of Contents / Quick Links

Also, download this quick reference that lists the basic supplies needed for getting started. It also provides a list of books, websites, makers and a cheat sheet.

Bullet Journaling Resources Sheet

Hero Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash

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